
The Flood was far more than just a Month of Rain

Married hands typing

[Originally published as Noah’s Flood was a catastrophic global tectonic event]

Jordon T. seemed surprised by the ideas he encountered on this site, and emailed some questions. Most of his problems will be resolved as reads more about it. Here are his questions:

How would the water from the “flood” erode sedimentary rocks quicker? Especially when such a flood would result in mass deposition of sediment such as our current oceans do. Because once a layer of water is formed there is no turbulence caused by rain or storms under a certain level. The deepest storm base observed was about 20 m; average is much less. Even then it doesn’t do much to erode, but rather kicks up sediment disrupting life much more than “eroding” anything at all. And if you are suggesting that the eroding took place during the rain “fall” period, I thought that only last 60 days and 60 nights? Surely that could never result in the erosion of so much material!?

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As well did you ever get an education? If so where? (Just so I can tell everyone I know not to go there.) There are so many holes in your argument. As a geologist I am not doing this as hate mail, or ‘flaming’ but in hopes of helping you recover from this terrible ignorance, displayed only to suit a prior bias in your ‘science’.

Thank you,

A concern human being.


Hi Jordan,

You are right. Once sediment is deposited and is covered by a depth of water, it will not be significantly eroded. However, if it is uplifted, it will be. And the Flood was an incredible tectonic event that involved the repeated uplift of huge portions of the earth’s crust.

The early part of the Flood was the most catastrophic. Sediments were deposited, and then they were uplifted, causing the rocks to be folded and fragmented and huge volumes of water to move across their surface, eroding them. More sediments were deposited. These also were also uplifted but not folded as dramatically as occurred early in the Flood. This uplift caused the waters to flow off the continents, and that eroded the sediments again, leaving the landscapes as we see them today. There is much evidence in the landscape for this last uplift and erosion.

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This article about the geological history for eastern Australia explains this sequence of events. Note the uplifting and folding that occurred at different times.

This article about the geology of South Africa discusses the last uplift on that continent. Note the erosion that occurred on the surface during this uplift.

Computer simulations indicate that once the waters of the Flood covered the continents, extraordinary ocean circulation took place. Note how fast the water currents flowed because they were unimpeded by continents and mountains.

That the waters of the Flood covered the continents is identified by geologists, but the significance of what they observe is missed because of their philosophy. They speak of epeiric seas.

There is a paper in the latest Journal of Creation discussing evidence that the whole of the UK was underwater. If you can afford it, I would encourage you to subscribe.

You will find answers to many of your questions by browsing the articles on this site. You will also find lots of information about geology on by searching the site and consulting the Topics listed. The information on those sites is material that you have not been taught in your geology course.

Over the years, I have met many geologists who have spent a lot of time reading articles on geology on these sites and they have appreciated the new perspective that it brought to their work.

Where did you train as a geologist? Are you working as a geologist at the present?

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If you have any genuine questions or discussions about geology, I would be open to hearing from you again.

All the best,


Tas Walker with mountain in the background 2017

Written by Dr. Tas Walker

Tas holds a B.Sc. (Earth Science with first class honours), a B.Eng (hons) and a doctorate in mechanical engineering, all from the University of Queensland. Tas now works full-time for Creation Ministries International (CMI) in Brisbane, where he is employed as a researcher, writer and speaker. He has authored many articles in both Creation magazine and the Journal of Creation (formerly TJ).

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