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(Almost) All Creation Obeys Its Creator

A sermon preached at Athens Victory Chapel, GA, April 28, 2024

When God spoke simple words of command in the beginning such as “Let there be light,” all creation obeyed. The incredible forces of nature still obey the command of God to this day.

All of creation obeys the commands of God… except mankind!

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D.L. Moody wrote, “Did you ever notice how all but the heart of man obeys God. Look through history and you will find this true: God said, ‘let there be light’ and there was light,’ ‘Let the waters bring forth…’ and the water brought forth abundantly. Jesus spoke to the sea and the sea obeyed; He spoke to a fig tree and it withered and died. He spoke to devils and they fled. He spoke to the dead and they rose. But when He speaks to man, man will not obey. Man is out of harmony with God.”


Written by William Wise

Hi, I’m wildlife photographer and nature writer William Wise. I was saved under a campus ministry while studying wildlife biology at the University of Georgia. My love of the outdoors quickly turned into a love for the Creator and His works. I’m currently an animal shelter director and live in Athens, Georgia with my wife and two teenage daughters, who are all also actively involved in ministry. Creation Speaks is my teaching ministry that glorifies our Creator and teaches the truth of creation. William Wise Nature Notes is my wildlife and birding photo blog documenting the beauty, design and wonder of God’s creation. I am also a guest author at Lee’s Birdwatching Adventures and The Creation Club . -- "What a wildly wonderful world, God! You made it all, with Wisdom at Your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations." Psalms 104, The Message.

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