[Originally published as You have to Look to See]
I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you; (Job 42:5)
A friend recently made a comment to me that has set off a thought barrage akin to a fireworks finale. It was a simple statement saturated with significance. He said, “I like the way you ‘see’ things!” I responded with, “Amen!!!!! You have to look to see!” The conversation ended there, but the thoughts have rolled like thunder.
To see we must seek.
Seeking requires time, energy, focus, and the truth of God’s word. Slow down and look. God has made Himself known. Look at the people around you today and see them as cherished treasures of the king. We must treasure what He treasures.
- Look at your responsibilities and see them as opportunities to honor God with your attitude and effort as you work for Him.
- Look at the sunrise and sunset and see them as testimony to the faithfulness of God.
- Look at your spouse and see him/her as a precious gift with whom you are partnered to reflect the very nature and glory of God.
- Look at your challenges and pain and see them as places where God’s compassion, strength, and wisdom are revealed.
- Look at your bank account and see it as a resource to seek the kingdom first.
- Look at your children and see them as wonderfully knit creations of the King.
- Look at the church and see it as the Bride of Christ.
- Look at creation and see specific qualities of God’s character.
Many people visit Grand Canyon but never see Grand Canyon.
God is confident in the clarity of His communication. Grand Canyon confirms that what God said happened is exactly what happened. I am often guilty of living life too fast to be able to look and see.
God has given me new eyes and a transformed mind. I don’t want to miss a thing!
Come to Grand Canyon. We will be still and look together. We will intently seek the face of God and see the truth. Grand Canyon is not just a beautiful place to visit. It is arguably the best place to learn how to “look” so that we can “see”.
Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! (Psalm 46:10)
“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now I’m found; was blind, but now I see.” -John Newton (1779)
Today’s challenge is to “look” at something familiar and “see” something new.
The Kingdom First!