A Horse Story
Horses have amazing features that allow them to function optimally even when they are so large and fast. Today we explore these realities and move on to the imaginative stories their unique features inspired in evolutionists. We now know that all of those creatures from the dog-sized animal to the full-sized modern horse have all […] More
The Wonder of Migrating Salmon: Part 1
Tech Studying Animals to Develop More Tech!
God Proves His Own Existence: Study of Job
The Incredible Lynx
The Fascinating Design of Spiders
The Porky Porcupine
The Close Relationship Between Science and Religion
[Originally published as Christianity and Science – What History REALLY Tells Us] You hear it all the time. Science and Christianity are in conflict. For example, Dr. Thomas Henry Huxley once wrote:1 The science, the art, the jurisprudence, the chief political and social theories, of the modern world have grown out of Greece and Rome—not by favour […] More
Turning Water into Wine
Graciously Presenting Truth With Believers Who Disagree
The Reality of How We Got our New Testament
Mere Creationism: An Intro to Biblical Creation
Argumentation Styles and the Truth
The Bible, The Gospel, and Me
Spiral Galaxies and a Young Universe | David Rives
The Bible tells us that “the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork.” Astronomy is one of my passions. I love looking through telescopes and seeing the incredible and beautiful things God has made and placed throughout the universe for His glory. Researchers estimate there are at least 170 billion […] More
Astronomy: Variable Stars Part 2
Our Special Earth: The Circum-stellar Habitable Zone – David Rives
Exoplanets For Evolution
What Is The Oort Cloud? | David Rives
The Solar System and Origins
Astronomy: Variable Stars Part 1
A Horse Story
Horses have amazing features that allow them to function optimally even when they are so large and fast. Today we explore these realities and move on to the imaginative stories their unique features inspired in evolutionists. We now know that all of those creatures from the dog-sized animal to the full-sized modern horse have all […] More
The Wonder of Migrating Salmon: Part 1
The Deep History of Stromatolites
Circulatory System & the Heart | David Rives
Jesus’ First Miracle: A Micro Creation
Recognizing the Grand Designer in Daily Life
Scrambling the Letters: Mutations and Evolution
Experience Geology at Home: Make a Cast Fossil
Today’s video walks us through how to make a “trace” fossil using clay, plaster, and a toy dinosaur to “walk” through. Plus, you could… While the plaster is still wet, have the students put some in a meat tray. Rub a leaf with petroleum jelly place it over the clay and cover it with plastic […] More
An Extraordinary Biome of Ancient China
Still Trying to Explain Away Fresh, Young Fossil Material
Recent Fossil Discoveries Related to the Human Origins Debate
Evidence of Dinosaurs Living Recently
A Quick Recap of Dinosaurs and the Bible
How the Flood Quickly Added Granite
[Originally published as Famous contact at Sea Point, South Africa, reveals rapid granite emplacement] On the shore at Sea Point, south of Cape Town, sits a dramatic geological contact (see image above) that has been famous for over two centuries. This complex and spectacular feature was first described by Clark Abel in 1818,1 and then visited […] More
No Erosion Between Rock Layers | David Rives
The Deep History of Stromatolites
Experience Geology at Home: Make a Cast Fossil
How Evolution Took Over Science – The Evolution to Evolution | David Rives
An Extraordinary Biome of Ancient China
Examining the Geologic Impact of the Flood on Perth Australia
Archaeological Discovery of Early European Christianity
[Originally published on Paul Humber’s website:] A recent article in Popular Mechanics, written by Tim Newcomb and dated Dec 17, 2024, says, “Archaeologists discovered a silver amulet containing an 18-line text showing the oldest known devotion to Christianity north of the Alps.” This grave was discovered in Frankfurt, Germany and is dated to the […] More
The Reality of How We Got our New Testament
Defending the Biblical Chronology of the Egyptian Exile
Adolf Hitler – The Evolution of Evolution | David Rives
How Evolution Crept Into the Church – The Evolution of Evolution | David Rives
The Importance of Collecting Sufficient Data
The Real World Doesn’t Care about Scientific Predictions: Polar Bears & More
Astronomy: Variable Stars Part 2
[Originally published as the second section of Stellar Astronomy: Part 5 – Variable Stars] Long-Period Variable Stars Mira variable stars are red giants that pulsate with a period longer than eighty days and up to nearly three years in some cases. They are named after their prototype, Mira, in the constellation Cetus. Mira sometimes appears […] More
Our Special Earth: The Circum-stellar Habitable Zone – David Rives
Astronomy: Variable Stars Part 1
Using Math to Honor Jesus’s Birth
Astronomy: Classifying the Unusual Stars
Letting the Facts Guide you to the True Creator
Physics 101: Falling Apples