Neanderthal Anti-Defamation League!
If the Neanderthal tribe was still around today this would be horribly racist, saying that “people” mated with them. What if this happened today? If the Neanderthal tribe hadn’t all gone extinct like the Tasmanian Aborigines and many of the Great Plains Native Americans did. Well, would you come up to someone and insult them by saying they were married to someone who wasn’t human? “You calling my wife not human? She’s my Neanderthal wife, and I love her!” Or a neanderthal guy.
How about it? That’s very racist!
Make no mistake about it — to be a Darwinist is to have racist presumptions … following in the footsteps of one of the most racist individuals in the history of Western Civilization — Charles Darwin himself. Just look at the powerfully politically incorrect views that 150 years of following his worldview has produced!
See more responses to current evolutionary literature on my YouTube channel.