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What Does Orthodox Atheism Believe?


My definition of atheism: If there is no God or gods, there is no supernatural, spirits, afterlife, etc. No argument could be made against the existence of God which would still allow for the supernatural, thus materialism.

Materialism: a belief that nothing exists except the physical universe and time space matter and energy; no miracles or magic are possible, for there is nothing and no one to cause a miracle in a material universe, thus, determinism.

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Determinism: all things and events are determined and controlled by the laws of physics and chemistry and all that follow from them. Thus everything since the beginning of time has been predetermined by those natural laws of physics and chemistry. Everything has always been and must always be as it is because of those initial conditions and could not have been different.

Thus, an atheist is like a toaster…

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Written by Bryan Melugin

Bryan runs, teaches science and theatre, makes cartoons and puppets, and wants everyone to know and love Jesus.

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