Worldview Glasses
Have you ever tried on a pair of glasses with red colored lenses? Or 3D glasses? They make everything look strange shapes and colors. Every scientist, and in fact, every single person in the world uses a kind of glasses to help them see and understand the world around them, only these glasses are inside our brains, so we can’t see them. These glasses are worldview glasses – they are the lenses that help us make sense of everything around us.

Cartoon drawn by Eliza Haley
The problem is, just like the pair of glasses with red lenses and 3D glasses, our worldview glasses can sometimes make us see things the wrong way. If we do not have on the right pair of worldview glasses, we will believe lies and deceptions (things that seem to be true, but are not). Many scientists believe some lies, and even make up some, all because they do not have the right worldview glasses. If they did, God’s creation in the world around them would make much more sense.
Joey’s Glasses
Meet Joey. He’s ten years old, and is supposed to be wearing the glasses the eye doctor gave him to help see, but instead, Joey is wearing a pair of those glasses with the red lenses. After all, they are still glasses, right? Well, Joey’s friend Charlie wanted to show Joey his new room. “Charlie! Why are your walls pink, purple, and fuzzy?!” Joey asked his friend. “Joey, what are you thinking? My walls are blue and white, and they are not fuzzy”, replied Charlie. If only Joey had worn the right glasses!
The Right Kind of Glasses
You may be asking yourself by now what the right kind of worldview glasses are. What pair of glasses will help you make the most sense out of the world around you? Well, God has given us a very special pair of worldview glasses, if we are willing to put them on – the Bible. The Bible is our pair of glasses that we can see the world through, because it never changes, and is perfect because God is perfect. Because it is our pair of worldview glasses, we should never ever take what other people say over the Bible. God knows a lot more than any human, no matter how smart he or she is. What scientists and other people say changes all the time, but God’s Word never changes, so we can trust it to be our pair of worldview glasses.
Properly Placing Planets
Have you ever had a chance to look at the stars, planets, or moon through a telescope? Well, for a while, people thought that the sun and all the planets go in circles around the earth. But, the math of moving planets just didn’t work out that way. Instead, the math showed that all the planets, including earth, circle around the sun. The moon is really the only thing that circles around the earth. People make mistakes in science, but God can never make a mistake.
Caves and Worldviews
Have you ever visited a cave before, and seen the stalactites and stalagmites? Carlsbad Caverns is a huge network of caves in New Mexico. 90 years ago, there was a visitor’s sign that said that the cave was at least 260 million years old. But, just 26 years ago, after seeing that the stalactites and stalagmites formed much quicker than they thought, they took that sign down, replacing it with a sign saying that the cave was 7-10 million years old. For a little while, there was a sign that said the cave was 2 million years old, but now that sign is completely gone. You see, because they had on the wrong worldview glasses, they could not tell how old the cave actually was.
Stalactites and Stalagmites:
Stalactites are the pointy columns of rock that seem to hang down from the ceiling of a cave. Stalagmites are similar, but they point up and sit on the floor of the cave. You can remember “c” for ceiling and “g” for ground. They form because there are minerals in the water dripping in a cave.
Tornadoes and Windows
More recently, atmospheric research scientists used to think that if you opened up windows on different sides of the house, the air would flow through, and not tear up the house as badly if it was hit. However, after a lot of research and tests, scientists discovered that opening the windows of your house is actually more harmful than leaving them closed during a tornado, because the air will come inside the house and blow down the walls, collapsing the house.
Questions from the kids
CCK is written by Sara J. Bruegel. If you have a question or comment, please write to Sara at: and it may get published in the next issue. Also, you can visit to read a new clue each week or see past issues of CCK. Cartoon drawn by Eliza Haley.
Is this supposed to be about God? If it is, then what do tornados have to do with it?
~Nathan B. age 9
Answer: Nathan, yes, this is about God. Tornados, caves, and the shape of the earth have a lot to do with God because He created them. Although tornados can be very scary (for a good reason too!), they are amazingly intricate structures designed by God. Many people wonder why God, who is good and loving, would create things that hurt people. They wonder why God didn’t create everything good. But, He did, we just ruined it by disobeying Him! “And God saw everything He made, and behold, it was very good.” Genesis 1:31