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God Proves His Own Existence: Study of Job


God makes an argument in Job 38–42 that we can use today. Several points from Job 39 are particularly thought provoking, including, but not limited to:

  • Why does the ostrich run so fast, but cannot fly? (vv. 13, 18)
  • Why does the horse have a mane, and leap so high? (vv. 19-20)
  • Why does the hawk fly? (vv. 26)
  • And the eagle build nests on mountains high? (vv. 27)

These are animals that we see today. I am sure some would claim evolution did it to answer these questions, but I do not think that is right. There is a Creator. Some of these creatures seemingly have no purpose for their habits except to be unique and beautiful.

We were made to be beautiful — God’s creations. We are not the creators, because we cannot go outside the creation.

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God tells Job that if he can answer the myriad of questions thrown at him, then Job would be god. But Job is not God. He cannot say he understands the movements of the stars, knows the origins of the east wind, understands every creature, or transcends time. 

And neither can we. No matter how much we would like to think we are God in our own universe, we are not.

Nor was the universe made by chance. Why? Because if you haven’t noticed, chance is not reliable. Luck is no answer to any of the “why” questions God posits in Job 38–42.

But a Creator to create the creation? That makes more sense.

Gabrielle L. 2021 profile

Written by Gabrielle L.

Hello, my name is Gabrielle Lindenberg, and I am 16 years old. I grew up in Hawai'i but now live in Colorado. I attend a public charter school, where God has given me the opportunity to take college classes in high school and take part in the National Honor Society. I attended the 2021 Creation Research Society Conference with my sister and mother, where my sister and I hoped to discover possible passions and career paths. That is where I met Mr. David Rives, who invited me to submit to the Creation Club. I admire the way this website spreads the gospel and proof of Creation. I hope to do the same as I grow older through my writing, God be willing. This is certainly a start to my career, and for that, I am grateful. Praise Jesus!

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