View his latest book, in the Creation Superstore. Originality throughout the Universe covers the entire universe and proves that every object in it was created. And the proofs are not merely subjective arguments. There are no more convincing objective proofs in all of secular classical science.

AT A BOY ATTA ANT – Karl C. Priest

So after all that rambling, the reason he rejects evolution is because he doesn’t understand the first thing about science or logic?
You can hurl anonymous Internet insults or prove he “doesn’t understand the first thing about science or logic?”
Evolution is more impossible than the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and the Headless Horseman. See for a list of bluffing evolutionists.
I don’t reject evolution. I merely cannot find it. No one can. It was revealed 347 years ago that evolution is a superstition. Anyone believing superstitions exist may be in need of medical help.
Evolution is more impossible than the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and the Headless Horseman. See for a list of bluffing evolutionists.
Where is my reply?
Joseph Mastropaolo