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Natural Duplicate Prize of $10,000.

Originality throughout the Universe was published in 2010. To date no one has challenged its finding that all natural objects, non viable and viable alike, in the universe are originals. If that finding is true, then present secular explanations fail to expound such a universe.

From firsthand experience, there are many thousands of secular scientists with interest in how the universe came to be what is observed. That so many thousands remain so reticent on such a critical issue seems remarkable. It also seems to plead for action, perhaps the kind of action the British so successfully employed to remedy the gap in aviation history. The British mended the gap of manpowered flight in the history of aviation by offering a prize instead of grants (see HERE). It was called the Henry Kremer Prize in honor of the donor, Henry Kremer.

Accordingly, to stimulate activity on this inference to everything, the Henry Kremer model will be employed. A prize of $10,000 is offered for a verifiable natural object in the universe that is a duplicate of another natural object. Find a natural duplicate and collect $10,000. See the owl picture above. (The second sentence in the caption should read, ‘There are billions of stars in the background picture.’)

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The Royal Aeronautical Society adjudicated the Henry Kremer Prize. It is expected that a comparable organization will adjudicate this prize.

In the meantime, Joseph Mastropaolo will pay successful applicants. Send applications and questions to

View his latest book, in the Creation Superstore. Originality throughout the Universe covers the entire universe and proves that every object in it was created. And the proofs are not merely subjective arguments. There are no more convincing objective proofs in all of secular classical science.

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Written by Joseph Mastropaolo

Joseph A. Mastropaolo has a B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in kinesiology and a three-year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship with the National Heart Institute of the National Institutes of Health in human physiology. He taught biomechanics and physiology at California State University, Long Beach for 26 years, has received many grants, awards, and prestigious positions in aerospace physiology and engineering. He is the author of the book Maestro Universe.

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