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The Fascinating Design of Spiders

Bizarre Spiders video still

Here are a couple of cool spiders I wanted to share about because they are stunningly complex and amazing in what they do.

One of them is called a diving bell spider. A diving bell is a bell-shaped structure with air inside that divers can go into and get air. Well, this spider does exactly the same thing he lives his entire life underwater. How does he get air since he can’t get oxygen from the water like a fish?

And then there’s the decoy building spider…

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Written by Bruce Malone

Since the time Bruce found Jesus, he has realized that rejection of Biblical truth, justified by belief in evolution, is the acid eating away at the moral foundation of our culture. Bruce spent 30 years working as a research leader for the Dow Chemical Corporation, has a degree chemical engineering, and is responsible for key innovations which have resulted in 18 patents. But his passion is sharing the relevance and evidence for creation, so he retired early to become full time Director of Search For The Truth Ministries.

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