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Dinosaur Soft Tissue | David Rives

In 2005, Dr. Mary Schweitzer shocked the scientific world when her team reported the presence of blood vessels, red blood cells, and collagen in a T-Rex femur. That’s right—soft tissue in a dinosaur bone! This T-Rex was thought to be over 65 million years old and yet it had fresh-looking soft tissue inside its bones.

So, how is this possible?

Well, if this dinosaur did live millions of years ago there is no reason to believe soft tissue should still be present. Everything breaks down over time, and most soft tissues quickly degrade, even under ideal conditions.

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Until this discovery, most would agree that soft tissue shouldn’t remain preserved for more than a few thousand years. Yet, instead of admitting that perhaps dinosaurs aren’t as old as previously thought, some tried to brush it aside, basically saying “Isn’t it amazing that soft tissue can survive for over 65 million years!”

And this T-Rex isn’t just some anomaly.

Since her ground-breaking discovery in 2005, which thrust the idea of soft tissue in fossils into the limelight, scientists have been finding soft tissue in a variety of supposedly old fossils.

In 2009 researchers found blood vessels in a supposedly 80-million-year-old hadrosaur, then, allegedly 150-million-year-old squid ink, and in 2010 a supposedly 360-million-year-old shrimp shell, complete with muscle, was uncovered. Lizard skin and even partially mummified “pre-historic” creatures have been found in remarkably preserved states.

How can these things last for millions of years?

While some paleontologists are TRYING to explain it away, the short answer is… they can’t. Soft tissue degrades quickly. It doesn’t last for millions of years.

But if dinosaurs didn’t go extinct MILLIONS of years ago, then what happened to them? If we begin by taking biblical history as fact, then we learn that the T-Rex with the soft tissue in its femur was roaming the earth thousands of years ago. Many dinosaurs went extinct in a cataclysmic deluge, a flood, and the fossil record still bears traces of the animals that died out in the flood. Some of these creatures were preserved in such ideal conditions that even their soft parts were preserved.

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Soft tissue discovery is a game-changer and gives scientists just one more reason to look at the true history found in the book of Genesis.

I’m David Rives, Truly, the Heavens Declare the Glory of God.

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Echoes of the Jurassic DVD – Discoveries of Dinosaur Soft Tissue

Did dinosaurs roam the earth 65 million years ago? Echoes of the Jurassic shows new discoveries of soft tissue in dinosaur bones showing evidence for creation and biblical accuracy of Genesis. Hosted by David Rives

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Written by David Rives

With a unique combination of creation science and Biblical astronomy, David has built a solid case for our Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ–and the world is taking notice. Host of the weekly TV show "Creation in the 21st Century" on TBN, and author of the book "Wonders Without Number".

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Leave a Reply
  1. Unfortunately, your article is misleading and maybe even somewhat disingenuous, David.
    This I gleaned from a quick Wiki search.

    Schweitzer, Mary H.; Zheng, Wenxia; Cleland, Timothy P.; Goodwin, Mark B.; Boatman, Elizabeth; Theil, Elizabeth; Marcus, Matthew A.; Fakra, Sirine C. (January 2014). “A role for iron and oxygen chemistry in preserving soft tissues, cells and molecules from deep time”. Proc. R. Soc. B. 281: 20132741. doi:10.1098/rspb.2013.2741. PMC 3866414 Freely accessible. PMID 24285202.

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