6 March 2023
Hello WV Senators:
The following is addressed to the Editorial Page Editor of the Charleston Gazette-Mail. At this writing, I have not heard from him. Thank you for your efforts to teach true science.
With respect, the esteemed Hoppy Kercheval’s article “Science, Faith and School” (2-25-23, pg. 4A) was very disappointing.
He opened his argument claiming that Senate Bill 619 “could introduce biblical creationism in West Virginia schools.” Referring to “Biblical creationism” is a typical attempt to shut down discussion that is critical of evolution. Mr. Kercheval used religious arguments throughout his article. Intelligent design is not creationism.
If I held up a bicycle gear and claimed it came from “an undirected process such as natural selection,” Mr. Kercheval would, rightfully, question my sanity. I hope he would say that the gear was intelligently designed.
Other arguments he presented are court cases (such as Kitzmiller v. Dover) regarding the subject. Courts make mistakes. The Supreme Court, in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1856), kept a family in slavery.
“The overwhelming evidence at trial established that ID is a religious view” is not true. I urge readers to study the matter at https://www.discovery.org/ by searching for “Kitzmiller v. Dover.”
Saying that “ID has failed to gain acceptance in the scientific community” does nothing to support Mr. Kercheval’s argument. Any scientists who dare to question molecules-to-man evolution are subject to severe censorship and harassment. Evolutionists will not allow dissent.
Mr. Kercheval claimed that evolution is “subject of ongoing observable and measurable testing.” In reality, no one was there to observe the first life on earth, and no one can create life from nothing. Evolution takes more faith than ID.
Mr. Kercheval points out that the government cannot establish a state religion. In fact, evolution is religious. Merriam-Webster defines religion as “a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices.” Religious” is defined as “relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity.” Merriam-Webster also defines religion as “a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.”
The scientific method, correctly stated by Mr. Kercheval, “seeks rational and provable answers to the endless questions in the natural world.” Regarding evolution, the scientific method can only reveal limited change, such as dog breeds. A bird cannot become a dog. That is rational and provable.
The West Virginia legislature should pass Senate Bill 619 and allow teachers to present both sides of the argument about the origin of life.
1. To read the bill, search
2. The Kercheval article is at https://wvmetronews.com/2023/02/24/science-faith-and-school/