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Top Ten Reasons Darwin is Wrong: Part 2

DNA 3D rendering
3d render of a DNA spirals

[Continued from Part 1]

“The theory of evolution has no weaknesses.” Prof. Kenneth Miller, of Brown University, author of Finding Darwin’s God

6. Ancient Biomolecules

Here is another big problem for Darwin believers. Scientists have discovered preserved bits of the original flesh, blood, and bone of forms of life that the evolution model says went extinct—way too long ago for these things to still be around without having petrified into rock first.

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I looked at this and I looked at this and I thought, this can’t be. Red blood cells don’t preserve.” Mary H. Schweitzer, in the article, “Dinosaur Shocker” By Helen Fields

I am quite aware that according to conventional wisdom and models of fossilization, these structures aren’t supposed to be there, but there they are, and I was pretty shocked.” Mary H. Schweitzer, evolutionary paleontologist at North Carolina State U, in Science, vol 307, no 5717, p1952-55, 3/25/2005

“… it was exactly like looking at a slice of modern bone. But of course I couldn’t believe it…the bones after all are 65 million years old. How could blood cells survive that long?” from article “Dino DNA: The Hunt and the Hype,” Science, July 9, 1993, p60

Ohio State University geologists isolated the oldest complex organic compounds found in a fossil. They found the compounds in 350-million-year-old fossils of sea creatures known as crinoids. ~Ohio State University

Such molecules have been verified in the remains of Neanderthal humans, mammoths, moa birds, dinosaurs (T-rex, triceratops, maiasaur), and even creatures that the evolution model says should be five times older than the dinosaurs!

Biological molecules like collagen, hemoglobin, and color pigments, should have been rotted away by now if the fossils really are very much older than the time of Noah’s flood (less than 4,400 years ago). But they aren’t—they’re not millions of years old, and they’re not decayed into dust. That’s why they are still around to be discovered.

Darwin is wrong about his whole time scale of things, which goes completely against the findings of scientific truth—and makes evolution a science fantasy.

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7. DNA fingerprinting for Adam & Eve

Darwin said we would find millions of monkey fossils showing how they all gradually evolved into humans. That’s the Evolution Model. The Creation Model says the human race began with only two people (and hasn’t changed much since).

…[They] looked at an international assortment of genes and picked up a trail of DNA that led them to a single (individual) woman from whom we are all descended. …We are finding that humans have very, very shallow genetic roots which go back very recently to one ancestor. Michael Hammer, University of Arizona, Newsweek, 1-11-1988

That indicates that there was an origin in a specific location on the globe and then it spread out from there.” U.S. News and World Report, 12-4-1995

Regardless of the cause, evolutionists are most concerned about the effect of a faster mutation rate. For example, researchers have calculated that ‘mitochondrial Eve’—the woman whose mtDNA was ancestral to that in all living people—lived 100,000 to 200,000 years ago in Africa. Using the new clock, she would be a mere 6000 years old. No one thinks that’s the case… Ann Gibbons, “Calibrating the Mitochondrial Clock,” Science, Jan. 2, 1998, page 28.

By analyzing DNA from people in all regions of the world, Wells has concluded that all humans alive today are descended from a single man also known as Y-chromosomal Adam.” Wells wrote the book The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey (2002).

The science of DNA has now proven—all humans come from one man and one woman. Is that really a surprise? Biblical Creation is right!

8. Four Human Gene Pools

The evolutionary book and documentary by Darwin-believer Spencer Wells, mentioned above, also contains the finding that all humans come from only four distinct gene pools. The significance of this has slipped past the evolutionists. It has not slipped past the creationists.

Think about our ancestors. There was one time in the history of mankind when everybody was killed—all except for just eight humans. These were Noah’s family—including his three sons and their wives. The Noah gene pool was on the Ark—plus the three extra family bloodlines from the three wives. That makes four. DNA proves that the biblical history of Noah’s ark is right.

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This holds true for not only human DNA but also goat and sheep DNA—all living goats are descended from five ancient females. All sheep come from four ancestral ewes (Science News, 10/14/06).

But didn’t Noah take “two of every kind” on the ark? No—not all. He took more of the “clean” animals. If all goats came from just one female, it might make the ark history seem to be in question. If all came from twenty goats, then it could actually prove that Noah’s ark was just a fairy tale. But science truth verifies the claims of the creation model time and time again.

So Bible believers need not fear the newest scientific findings. Scientific truth is on our side! Scientific truth shows Darwin believers are wrong.

“They did not like to retain God in their knowledge.” Romans 1:28

9. Phylogerontology

(said like “fye-loh-jaron-tah-loh-jee”)

The terms “geriatrics” or “gerontology” might sound familiar. They involve the study of old age. Phylogerontology is the study of the aging of family lines. In biology, this means the aging and the decaying of the DNA in any line of ancestors leading up to the living members of any kind of living thing existing today.

The DNA of Adam and Eve was perfect. But since the fall of man in the garden of Eden, decay has been happening. Not only did humans gradually begin to experience sickness and death, but the DNA of the entire human race soon began to become filled up with mutations—in the form of copy-mistakes in the DNA of every new generation.

Since everyone has two versions of most of their chromosomes, we’ve all got a “spare” for most of our genes. So if one becomes non-functional because of the gradual buildup of mutations, the other one can do the whole job alone.

Since people in the same families will have more of the same mutations, it is not good to marry a close relative and have children with them. This is called “inbreeding.” Until there were large numbers of bad mutations in the genome, inbreeding would not have been so much of a medical problem. In early Bible times, inbreeding was not forbidden until the time of Moses. Before that, Abraham married his half-sister Sarah. All of Adam and Eve’s children married their brothers and sisters (or at least their nieces and nephews). It was not forbidden before Moses, and it would not have been medically dangerous yet, either.

Today, people cannot even marry their distant cousins without being in danger of expressing lethal mutations in their children. According to the evolution model, there have been 200,000 years for humans to build up bad mutations in their DNA—and over three billion years of us evolving and mutating from bacteria before that! None of our DNA should still be able to work if that were true. The wear and tear from mutations would have ruined it all by this time—if Darwin was right.

10. Information in DNA

Information is information, neither matter nor energy. Any materialism that fails to take account of this will not survive one day. Norbert Weiner (1894-1964), MIT mathematician and the “Father of Modern Cybernetics”

“DNA is like a computer program, but far far more advanced than any software we’ve ever created.” Bill Gates, in the book The Road Ahead (Boulder: Blue Penguin, 1996), p228

Most people have heard of DNA, and many know that it is a complex molecule found in our chromosomes, deep inside the nucleus of every cell in our bodies. It was a great breakthrough in science when we finally discovered the structure of the DNA molecule. It was an even greater breakthrough when we translated the code for the information storage system in DNA.

These things are amazing. But there is something hundreds of times more impressive about the DNA molecules in the chromosomes of all living things—they contain information! The molecule and its code have been used to do a job “by someone”—to carry a message.

That message contains instructions on how to make protein molecules and how to coordinate their manufacture throughout the life stages of all of the living things known to man. It is against all of the known principles of information science that these instructions might have happened all by themselves, and by accident. That is impossible. That is illogical.

This is perhaps the most scientifically important proof of all of the Top Ten that—Darwin is wrong.

Dr Charl

Written by Dr. Charles Jackson

Dr. Charles Jackson has four degrees in science and education and taught secondary school sciences 11 years, then college biology and chemistry 6 years, and then teacher education classes 6. In 2003, Dr. Jackson founded Points of Origins and began teaching, speaking, and debating in creation science education. Keenly interested in liberating Christian students from the delusion that their faith has been refuted by modern science, Dr. J crusades against evolutionary dogma on college campuses across the United States. He has presented creation science instruction in churches, to both secular and Christian high school and college faculties, to student assemblies from elementary through high school, and to Christian groups on many college campuses.

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