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Uranus: A Unique Twist

All the planets in our solar system have their unique features. Some of the planets features are more plain like Mercury’s. Planets like Saturn and Jupiter have more interesting features and are popular telescope targets. While there is a lot of diversity among the planets, they all have one thing in common; they have the same orbit direction and rotation, except for Venus and Uranus.

uranus-big3Uranus has the most unique rotation of all. Most of the planets rotate upright on their axis. But Uranus is different. It has a thin ring and rotates on its side. But it’s not a sloppy crooked rotation. Uranus’ orbit and rotation are very perfect. This was totally unexpected for secular scientists.

You see, according to the evolutionary idea of the solar system’s formation, the Sun and all the planets formed from a spinning cloud of dust and gas. This theory was developed because all the planets orbited the Sun in the same direction. According to this theory, the Sun formed in the center and shortly afterwards the planets formed from dust particles that came together. The rocky planets formed closer to the Sun, while the gassy planets formed further out. Because they would all form from particles that had been spinning in the same direction, all the planets in our solar system should have the same directional orbit and rotation.

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Venus and Uranus go against this. Venus’ rotation is the opposite direction of most of the planets in the solar system. A day on Venus begins with a sunrise in the west and end with a sunset in the east. Uranus has almost the exact same problem only with a 90 degree twist. Uranus rotates on its side. This is completely contrary to the evolution model. So how do secular scientists explain this problem?

Secular astronomers have hypothesized that on both Uranus and Venus there was a large asteroid collision that reversed Venus’ orbit and knocked Uranus over on its side. But how is it that Uranus’ orbit is still so perfect? And where’s the evidence for this catastrophic event? There is no evidence for such a catastrophic event on Venus or Uranus, so secular astronomers conclude that somehow the surface history of Venus and Uranus were both erased by some unknown catastrophe 100 million years ago. What’s the basis for this belief? Only that otherwise evolution could not be true.

According to the evolutionary model, none of the planets in our solar system should exist the way we see them. And yet there they are! That tells me that something is seriously wrong with the accepted evolutionary model. Although secular scientists won’t tell you it, our universe does not support the theory of evolution. Rather, it disproves it and testifies that there had to be a creator.

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Written by Vinnie Harned

Vinnie Harned is a teenage homeschooled student with a love for science, technology, and astronomy. He also runs the YouTube channel "Homeschooled Nerd" as well as the podcasts 'The Homeschooled Nerdcast', 'Creation Astronomy Now', and his own podcast and blog for content creators 'Still Not Famous' at

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