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Venus, Catastrophism and forams

There is a resurgence of catastrophism in the geologic community. Should we not at least explore the option that most of the rock structures were produced by one great cataclysm? Venus, Mars and Earth are all victims of catastrophe.

In an interview with Astrobiology Magazine, David Grinspoon of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado said this concerning catastrophism on Venus:

If you use the word catastrophic it rubs some people the wrong way, but something dramatic happened on Venus which wiped out almost all signs of an older surface. The planet got re-paved, basically, 600 or 700 million years ago. … the planet seems to have been flooded with basaltic lavas in a geologically short period of time, simultaneously around the planet. … If Venus has episodic plate tectonics, where nothing happens for a while, the heat builds up in the interior. Eventually it can’t stand it any more, and you have this rapid overturning. …what we’re seeing on Venus is the evidence of the last of those great episodes of global resurfacing. …

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Venus and Earth both show evidence of rapid geologic activity. Mars has also experienced geological catastrophes. Why not consider global Catastrophic Plate Tectonics (CPT) as an explanation the for the Flood of Noah’s day?

Writing in the Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Victor Baker with the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources at the University of Arizona, Tucson states:

In the 1920s, J Harlen Bretz demonstrated that the Channeled Scabland [of Washington state] formed by cataclysmic erosion and deposition from Pleistocene megaflooding derived from the margins of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, particularly glacial Lake Missoula in western Montana and northern Idaho. Studies of this region and the high-energy flood processes that generated it are stimulating discoveries of similar megaflood-related landscapes around the world and on Mars…

Some argue that since different creatures are found in distinct layers of the rocks, then this supports evolution. This conclusion is unwarranted. Consider the tiny shelled creatures called foraminifera (forams) that live on the ocean bottom (benthic) and also on the surface (pelagic). Evolutionists consider the surface forms to have evolved from the benthic types since the fossils are found in different strata. The discovery of a surface foram that is the same species as a benthic type calls this into question. Just because different forms of life are found in different sections of the geologic record this does not mean that they existed in periods separated by millions of years. This example with forams shows us that some organisms have a wide ecological range and that their fossil remains are consistent with the Global Flood. That is, Noah’s Flood deposited many ecological zones and not ancestor-descendent sequences as Darwin supposed.

And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you might have life through his name. (Jn. 20:30, 31)


yes-science-jay-hallRead Jay Hall’s book:

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YES – Young Earth Science and the Dawn of a New World View

What is Young Earth Science (YES)? How old is the world? Are radiometric dating methods reliable? Is Darwinism substantiated by scientific evidence and valid arguments? How does the Renaissance of Catastrophism relate to the age of the Earth? Has plate tectonics occurred more rapidly in the past? These and other queries are answered in this exciting new fully documented work. This widely illustrated book features support from history, philosophy, geology, biology and physics. Discover this creative and multidisciplinary approach which provides affirmation that this planet is thousands of years old and not billions . . . (continue reading)

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Written by Jay Hall

Jay Hall has been an origins activist since the 1970’s. Hall is fmr. Assistant Mathematics Professor at Howard College in Big Spring, Texas. He has an M.S. in Mathematics and has 53 credit hours of Science courses in various disciplines. He has written Calculus is Easy and his new book YES – Young Earth Science defends a young earth from History, Geology, Biology and Philosophy. Search yes jay hall on Google or Amazon to find the book.

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