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Genetic Entropy – Why You Should Believe In Creation …And Not Evolution | David Rives

Why should you believe in creation, and not evolution? I mean, scientifically speaking. Haven’t we proven that evolution is a fact?

Did you know that for every generation that passes, more and more mistakes are piling up in the human genome? This means your DNA has more mistakes than your parent’s DNA, which has more mistakes than their parents’ DNA, which has more mistakes than their parents, which has—well, you get the point!

These mistakes are caused by mutations, which are basically coping errors when DNA is replicated. Now, thankfully for us, most of these mutations have no noticeable effect. But, even if we don’t notice them, they’re still there, corrupting our DNA. A conservative estimate says that 100-300 new mutations occur in human reproductive cells per individual per generation. Some numbers are as high as 1000 new mutations per individual per generation. That’s a lot of mistakes!

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Now, most people think that natural selection will get rid of these mutations. After all, isn’t that its job? Well, it’s not quite that easy. You see, natural selection can only select against mutations that have a noticeable and significant effect – in the moment! If the mutation is neutral or even if it’s harmful, but hasn’t caused death or serious harm, natural selection won’t get rid of it because it can’t see it.

This leads to what’s known as “genetic entropy.” This means that each generation carries all the mutations of previous generations, plus its own new mutations. And with the high mutation rate, genetic entropy is increasing quickly. Actually, it’s increasing so fast there’s no WAY humans have been on the planet for millions of years, like evolution suggests. Our genetic code would be so burdened with mutations, we’d be such a mess that we’d be extinct!

Our genetic code doesn’t look like it’s been mutating for even tens of thousands of years. Instead it looks like it was incredibly well designed and has only been subject to the degrading influence of mutations for a short time. What does this imply? It certainly fits with the Biblical historical accounts, that God created mankind about 6,000 years ago with a perfect genome. It wasn’t until after sin entered the world that mutations began to corrupt our DNA, and there hasn’t been enough time since then to completely destroy our genome.

Just one more scientific reason that you shouldn’t believe in human evolution. It takes a LOT of faith.

I’m David Rives, Truly, the Heavens Declare the Glory of God.

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Understanding the Law of Decay | DVD | CMI

Christians using entropy or the second law of Thermodynamics to deny biological evolution are often unwittingly misrepresenting the law, while missing out on ways this concept (often misunderstood by evolutionists, too) can be powerfully utilized. Get the real facts in this insightful presentation.

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Written by David Rives

With a unique combination of creation science and Biblical astronomy, David has built a solid case for our Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ–and the world is taking notice. Host of the weekly TV show "Creation in the 21st Century" on TBN, and author of the book "Wonders Without Number".

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