[Editor’s note: I was thrilled to meet this sweet young lady and find out she loves her Creator and his handiwork. Enjoy this mini visit to an amazing place with me!]
The whale
Humpback whales are my favorite Alaskan mammal. They are such gentle creatures, often times curious about the boat, and will swim over to see what kind of creature you are.
This photo credit goes to a friend of mine. I wouldn’t have gotten it without him hanging over my shoulder encouragingly yelling at me to get the mountains in the background, as I had zoomed all the way in so it was just the whale tail in my viewfinder. It was funny because earlier that day I had been telling him how much I wanted to get a shot like that someday with the mountains in the background.
So all thanks goes to him that I have this beautiful picture!
View out the bay
A perfect sunny summer day, the smell of wildflowers and the sea in the air… not much can rival that scent, or the sound of the waves gently rolling on the beach, the ocean stretched out as far as you can see.
The most beautiful things in life are priceless.
Tufted Puffin with Needlefish 
Tufted Puffins are such neat birds! You’ll see them carrying fish in their beaks, sometimes small squid, and even very rarely a jellyfish, to take back to thier burrows on the small island cliff sides.
I was so excited to get this picture! Best one I’ve ever gotten of a puffin!
Mountain Reflections
I took this standing on our front porch; what a sight to walk up to each morning!
It never, ever, gets tiring because it’s different every day.
But days like this one especially take my breath away. There was scarcely a ripple on the water; it could only be expressed as peaceful.
A day you could just sit on the beach and take in God’s beauty all around…
But really, you can do that every day 🙂
Yarrow Flower 
This picture holds a special place in my heart, it’s definitely not perfect, not even fully in focus. I just feel like it captures more of the rugged beauty of Kodiak with the snow spotted mountains.
To me this picture portrays all sides of my home, the pretty, the wild, and the uncontrollable.
I think this picture speaks for itself; the moment was awe inspiring to say the least.
Growing up I liked to think that sun rays were spotlights from heaven, like God was looking down and opened the gates of heaven just a little to give us a taste of what it will be like.