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40 Trillion Reasons Evolution Is Dead

Almost 160 years ago, Charles Darwin thought life’s diversity could be explained through variation filtered by natural selection. Even though it has changed some over the years as I show later, I think the Darwinian idea is quite dead.

Why do I think that? Well, I think it for many reasons, a little less than 40,000,000,000,000 of those reasons have to do with you. I’m talking about the approximate number of cells in your body (1). Cells seem to give us countless reasons to cast doubt on Darwinism. Since I can’t give countless reasons here, let’s focus on one area.

Running you, in every single cell in your body, are many, many, many tiny machines. I hope you are not assuming I’m using the word “machine” as an analogy, I’m not. When I say your cells contain machines, I mean real machines. These are mechanisms that are made up of parts that use power to do specific tasks.

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We have a great diversity of machines within our cells. Some think there are around 20,000 various types of these tiny world machines found within cells (2)! More commonly known examples have some funny names like myosin, kinesin, ATP synthase and dynein.

Our main experiences with machines are the big world type, our technology. If I would ask where these machine designs come from, you would give the only observable process: one or more engineers conceptualized, planned and designed them to be manufactured.

While there are a small number of small world machines that were human engineered, the far majority of them, the ones found in the cell, were not designed by us. Structures like DNA supply the plans for these machines, and these plans get passed on through the generations. If we could travel back to the first life, the obvious question that would arise is where did these plans come from?

Obviously, not from a human engineer, things don’t make themselves. Some say Darwinian evolution caused them. When I say Darwinian evolution, I mean the updated idea that all life arose through a universal common ancestor via genetic mutation and natural selection. But that has some big problems.

In the Darwinian sense, information is created by genetic mutations, and mutations are mistakes. Last time I checked, mistakes don’t make complex, functional and meaningful text, plans, recipes and designs.

Darwin and others were influenced by the idea that “the present is the key to the past”. So, let’s hijack that for the fun of it. What is the present source for new machine design and information creation?

You know as much as I do that it always arises from intelligent beings. This means that Darwinian evolution does not work because it is not an intelligent mind! Since we know it can’t be human intelligence, the only other option I can think of is a non-human intelligent being!

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Paul, in Romans, says that nature points to God. I do agree with Paul, and I think molecular machines also point to God. To think that the origin of life and life’s diversity came about by naturalistic mechanisms, like mutations, seems quite like fiction. That’s why it takes more faith to believe that than to think that God was the creator of all life on earth. It seems to me that the Biblical account of a Designer designing designs in nature is true, and that Darwinism is dead.


(1) Rose Eveleth, “There are 37.2 Trillion Cells in Your Body.”
(2) “Biophysicist Ken Dill: Protein Machines Are ‘Real Machines. That’s Not a Metaphor’”

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Written by Daniel Currier

Daniel Currier is a biologist with a technology and design background. He speaks and writes on apologetics in the areas that deal with the interaction between Christianity, science, and technology at the
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  1. Rather avoid picking a fight with science, ultimately you become an enemy of your own cause.
    E.g What does it matter if the earth in truly 6000 years old? Does that make any difference to your salvation?

    Trying to convince people that its 6000 years old on the other hand will make you and your faith look idiotic, not in the name of any god, but in the name of your feelings…

    • Thanks Chris for your thoughts. The funny thing is that I don’t recall making a case for a young earth here. I’m making a case against the neo-Darwinian enterprise. Feel free to comment on that topic if you would like.

  2. “Darwin and others were influenced by the idea that “the present is the key to the past”. So, let’s hijack that for the fun of it. What is the present source for new machine design and information creation?

    You know as much as I do that it always arises from intelligent beings. This means that Darwinian evolution does not work because it is not an intelligent mind! ”

    Evolution is about biological systems, not about man made machines.

  3. ha Chris, 1st time reader long time been a CHRIST JESUS, follower till HE takes me to my true home. i been watching David Rives, he as well as you have kept me grounded to my LORD i’ll stay in-tune to you both keep kicking the can of darwin fan’s too hell they have messed up lots of people come to find out they are in high schools jr high and higher education and brain-washing all and wasting there grandparents/parents $$$ and they live as fools. KEEP TELLING THE TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD & rock there foolish world and just may be they will wake-up from there sleep…

  4. I can’t even begin to tell David and all those who keep his shows running – the technicians, guests, researchers, scientists, ALL the people- how thankful I am for you and your information. It’s nice to be able to pass on this channel to others.

    How interesting is the information, shows, music, guests. I’m just fascinated and in love with my God because of things he lets us know through discovery and science. We are absolutely wonderfully and fearfully made! I’m thankful for all he does every day of my life. What an exciting time to be living in and watching God’s Word at work – just as it’s written! Thanks all for your hard work and research.

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Defining Evolution 15: More on Mutations