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Truth Source Replaced! -Janessa Shelton

The source of truth is being replaced with lies that…

“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things which is the head even Christ…” Ephesians 4:14-15

     The Source of All Truth Has Been Replaced:

The source of truth does not reside in the scientific field, or its communities. However, the facts might present some truthful data that aids a curious observer, we have been programed to ‘follow the science’ as an authority figure or source of truth in the not so recent past, which has swayed the overall direction in a moral way to a rapid decline!

One should ask: “At what point did science develop over-ruling qualities in replacement to a moral compass?” (or shall we say lack thereof!) At what point in history was scientific measures, data, and observations held superior to all things including the words of Almighty God?

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James Hutton, Charles Lyell, Charles Darwin, Ernst Haeckel, the list of secular naturalists exceed mention. However, before the 1800’s the concept of separating the Creator God from His created universe (or any such intelligent design) was not commonly encouraged, or of popular thought.

Although science has progressed, we must wonder to what end or advancement. Mankind has developed helpful equipment, technology, machinery, and programs to help Earth and abroad, but how has it truly affected humanity’s destiny?

Ultimately, the very source of truth, healing human souls, and improving our world has been sadly ignored, worse yet, destroyed intentionally by these naturalists.

Many of these men had a moment of rejection to a religious aspect in the natural world.

For thousands of years, mankind has endeavored to concoct our own sources of rules, codes and laws outside of the moral compass of the Scriptures. Perhaps we should learn from the mistakes others have made, as the Bible assures: “There is a way that seemeth right.’ But ‘the end’ is the ‘way of death’. Proverbs 14:12

And in our own sinful state, the way which we believe is “Correct”, could be a road of false assumptions or conclusions leading down into the pit of destruction and severe disappointment.

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This particular path is over-crowded! Everyone going “their own way” as the Bible clearly tells us in Isaiah. Hidden in the very same book, is the secret that God reveals to man.

“My ways are not thy ways!” Isaiah 55:8-9

The way of Truth is in Jesus as the Bible also tells us. (John 14:6/14:14)

Everyone seeks to develop personal core values to adapt to their own system of beliefs: thousands upon thousands of materials, manuscripts, videos, and podcasts are published annually for hungry searching individuals to discover a path or belief to fit their lifestyles.

But where is the source of all truth? Where can we truly find the foundation of all reasoning, historical accounts? Future predictions? Health and safety, and ultimately the Spiritual Hope of all mankind with the dogmatic absolute trust that it is accurate and infallible: One source a soul might n base life views, principals, and doctrinal values? Where can one entrust their very lives upon a system of beliefs beneficial to their daily lives, and the lives of others, that is a proven trustworthy source effective in eternity beyond?

We have always known the Scriptures obtained a power beyond all others. It is the only holy Book avoided by most organizations, and government entities. Is it not?

The marvel of all, is the hasty faith of the public without deductive reasoning, healthy research skills, and the desire to question what is truly being promoted by professors, theologians, scientists, preachers, parents, etc. And the gullibility of the society through marketing, advertisement, and media.

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Whether Creation or Evolution, Christian or Atheist, the question herein lies: What is the true substance, proof, evidence, or resource that one is truly basing all their eternal destiny upon? Do they question if they might have a soul and everlasting future?

     What Is The Truth?

Many a Christian has compromised from the word of God as their source of real research, and consultation. As result, they have adapted and promoted false doctrines of heretical origin due to their disregard to ‘search the scriptures daily whether those things were so.’ (Acts 17:11) Are we as a Christian community as guilty as the scientist who, knowing the data, still adapts his model to his liking to promote a specific theory?

The True Source of Truth is solely, and only the word of God, the Bible.

Those refusing to reflect their beliefs off the mirror of God’s word are blown like the wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. Like the chaff in Psalm one which the wind driveth away.

How have we swerved away from the direct command and warnings of the Scriptures? It is time to realize that science does not need to confirm, validate, or prove what we already hold dear and true. That science data -though it does harmonize, and suggests unity with the words of God- should never become superior to the truth that is in His Holy Word and in Jesus Christ our Savior.

Unless we, as Gods people, decide to take everything to the old Black Book for scrutiny, and determine our belief system by the directives from the word of God has made manifest through his Holy Spirit, are we liable to swallow the many lures off falsehood and become snagged in the snares of the devil we are warned about in second Timothy chapter two.

“But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them” 2 Timothy 3:14

“If so be that ye have heard him, and have heard that the truth is in Jesus:” Ephesians 4:21

(Any reference to Scriptures other than the KJV of the Bible is not of use by nor approved by this author and was rewritten 04/2023

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Written by Janessa (Cooper) Shelton

Janessa (Cooper) Shelton, saw the need for Creation-based entertainment and materials while traveling with her family around the US and Mexico, and developed Coral Island Adventures, an audio production dedicated to the Bible and Scientific facts from 2010-2018. She has founded Kids Find Truth the ultimate science club, and POWER Kids International in 2022.

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Is Evolution True? Part 1

Pastors–Stand up!