
Feather Habits of a “Dinosaur”

[Editor’s notes: Creation scientists are bound to believe things must obey the order and design of their Creator. Evolutionary scientists are bound to believe things must have developed randomly, for no particular reason from a common ancestor.

So, when a feathered creature shows up in the fossil record, creationists start by assuming they will be in distinct Kinds. And evolutionists? They have decided dinosaurs developed into today’s birds.

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Today’s video walks us through how these assumptions shape our thinking about an amazingly preserved ancient creature.]

Dr Charl

Written by Dr. Charles Jackson

Dr. Charles Jackson has four degrees in science and education and taught secondary school sciences 11 years, then college biology and chemistry 6 years, and then teacher education classes 6. In 2003, Dr. Jackson founded Points of Origins and began teaching, speaking, and debating in creation science education. Keenly interested in liberating Christian students from the delusion that their faith has been refuted by modern science, Dr. J crusades against evolutionary dogma on college campuses across the United States. He has presented creation science instruction in churches, to both secular and Christian high school and college faculties, to student assemblies from elementary through high school, and to Christian groups on many college campuses.

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