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Science Can No Longer Stomach Dinosaurs-to-Birds Theory

Science Can No Longer Stomach Dinosaurs-to-Birds Theory

by Kyle Butt, M.Div.

For decades now, the evolutionary community has been batting around the theory that dinosaurs evolved into birds (Thompson and Harrub, 2001). In fact, if you keep your ear to the ground about the latest scientific news and writings, you will still hear the theory being floated in various places. To bolster the theory, paleontologists have identified “fuzz” that surrounds some dinosaur fossils as “protofeather” material. Pictures of “feathered” dinosaurs have graced the covers of science magazines for years.

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It just so happens, however, that though this theory is still out there, and is championed by many, it simply cannot be true. The fact of the matter is, we have found fully functional, flying, legitimately feathered (not “fuzz-covered”) birds that lived “millions of years” (using the inaccurate deep-time of evolution) before dinosaurs died out.

In August, 2012 in the open-access on-line biology journal, PLOS: Biology, Lida Xing and colleagues wrote an article titled “Abdominal Contents from Two Large Cretaceous Compsognathids (Dinosauria: Theropoda) Demonstrate Feeding on Confuciusornithids and Dromaeosaurids” (2012). That is a mouthful, but in laymen’s terms it simply means that the skeletons of two dinosaurs that lived during the “cretaceous” period ate a bird known as Confuciusornis sanctus. The two dinosaur fossils under consideration are recognized as Sinocalliopteryx gigas. According to evolutionary time, these dinosaurs lived about 120 million years ago. Yet the Confuciusornis sanctus found in the stomach of this creature was a “crow-size, flight-capable bird” (“Dinosaur Guts…,” 2012). One of the picture captions describes the stomach contents as “a tiny bird skeleton within the stomach of the dinosaur Sinocalliopteryx” (“Dinosaur Guts…”). Dinosaurs could not have evolved into birds because, among other reasons,they were eating birds during their lifetime! John Ruben, Oregon State professor of zoology, accurately summed up the problem this poses for the dinosaurs-to-birds theory. He said: “For one thing, birds are found earlier in the fossil record than the dinosaurs they are supposed to have descended from. That’s a pretty serious problem, and there are other inconsistencies with the bird-from-dinosaur theories” (“Discovery Raises New Doubts…,” 2009). Pretty serious, indeed!

This situation highlights one of the most common problems with the various aspects of evolutionary theory: the fact that tenet after tenet is proven to be positively wrong. And yet, instead of questioning the theory that undergirds the inaccurate conclusions, most evolutionary scientists go “back to the drawing board” and concoct a different scenario that eventually proves to be just as wrong. The problem is not in the various possible lines of evolution, it is in the theory itself. It is not as if evolutionists simply misidentified the wrong animal from which birds sprang; they have misidentified the complete process. Birds did not evolve from dinosaurs because evolution is not true. According to the Law of Biogenesis, and the known scientific evidence (see Miller, 2012), the most plausible explanation is that God created birds fully functional “in the beginning.” That concept has stood the test of time and will most certainly not be replaced in a few decades.


“Dinosaur Guts: Photos of a Paleo-Predator” (2012), LiveScience,

“Discovery Raises New Doubts About Dinosaur-Bird Links” (2009), ScienceDaily, June,

Miller, Jeff (2012), “The Law of Biogenesis,” Reason & Revelation, 32[1]:2-11, January,

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Thompson, Bert and Brad Harrub (2001), “Archaeopteryx, Archaeoraptor, and ‘Dinosaurs-to-Birds’ Theory—Part 1,” Reason & Revelation, 21[4]: 25-32.

Xing, Lida, et al. (2012), “Abdominal Contents from Two Large Cretaceous Compsognathids (Dinosauria: Theropoda) Demonstrate Feeding on Confuciusornithids and Dromaeosaurids,” PLOS: Biology, August,

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