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The Sunday Jesus Returned – Dr. Jack L. Burton

The current ‘Amazing Moon’ article series will continue next month.

Meanwhile, please click on the link below to enjoy the following video excerpt discussing the Old Testament prophecy of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. You will be astounded at the utter accuracy of this prophecy and the events that surround it!!!

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In Christ’s Love,
Dr. Jack L. Burton
-Hebrews 11:1-3

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Written by Dr. Jack Burton

Dr. Burton has attended the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD and is now retired from being employed as a professional in the field of Commercial Mechanical Engineering for more than 2 decades.
His professional areas of specialty include: air flow, fluid flow, and heat and mass transfer.

He is also a former Certified LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Professional specializing in building design and construction.

He has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Evangel Christian University of America for service in local ministry and work done in area of Biblical Doctrines.

As the founder of Noah’s Wonders resource ministry he now provides Bible Commentaries, resources, and references for the Foundational Truth of God's Word.

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